Experience you need. Results you want

Abdulkadir A. Mohammed. 

 Areas of interest:

Constitutional law, immigration and citizenship, civil law, social law, commercial and business law ,personal statement,insurance and consumer protection, public and private international law and deligate management.

Middlesex University, London. UK

Postgraduate degree Master's in Public and Private International Law

Umeå University, Umeå. Sweden

Degree in Law, social sciences and humanities

Université la Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon

Faculté du droit 

Lyon, France

Membership: International Law Association Swedish Chapter

Mobil: 0046 (0)769550406| Email: abdah1999@gmail.com

Twitter: Abdulkadir Abdulkadirtesto@abdulkadirtesto AbdulkadirMohammed@TIConsultus

Membership: International Law Association. Swedish branch

Former regional council.Sörmland´s region, Sweden

Ideals of liberty

They are the development of the individual for his own and the common good, the development of the individual through liberty and the attainment of the common good through democracy and social justice.
Justice Louis Brandeis (USA, 1856-1941)


To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay right or justice.
Magna Carta, 1215, s. 40